ge_Summer Vacation Report
There are many amazing places for recreation and leisure on the territory of the CIS. Recently, they have been gaining great popularity among travelers and are increasingly appearing in the lists of resort places for foreign tourists. All this is due to the presence of historical sites, beautiful architectural objects with landscapes, hospitality and good service in places for recreation, the quality of which has improved a lot in recent years.
Tourism has become one of the dynamically developing sectors of the economy for many countries, some of them use it as their main income. It should be noted that tourists visiting the CIS countries are most often also citizens of the member countries of the Commonwealth. The reason for this is visa-free entry, which facilitates travel and close distance.
CIS resorts have been developing rapidly in recent years due to the provision of comfortable conditions, as in European countries, but at a lower price. Among the CIS countries that specialize in the tourism industry, one can note the resorts of Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia etc.
Let's look at some of the above countries for the presence of popular resort places. It should be noted that only a number of tourist areas are listed in this report. Tourism in these countries is actively developing and the number of resorts that deserve attention is constantly increasing.
Tekla Iashagashvili
Head of Development Advisory Department / C&W Georgia
Dalel Mussina
Analyst / C&W Kazakhstan
Adeliya Bolysbek
Analyst / C&W Kazakhstan
Ali Kassymguzhin
Analyst / C&W Kazakhstan

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